const char * | dpl_get_backend_name (dpl_ctx_t *ctx) |
| return the name of the backend currently used More...
dpl_status_t | dpl_get_capabilities (dpl_ctx_t *ctx, dpl_capability_t *maskp) |
| get the backend capabilities More...
dpl_status_t | dpl_login (dpl_ctx_t *ctx) |
| login More...
dpl_status_t | dpl_list_all_my_buckets (dpl_ctx_t *ctx, dpl_vec_t **vecp) |
| list all buckets More...
dpl_status_t | dpl_list_bucket (dpl_ctx_t *ctx, const char *bucket, const char *prefix, const char *delimiter, const int max_keys, dpl_vec_t **objectsp, dpl_vec_t **common_prefixesp) |
| list bucket or directory More...
dpl_status_t | dpl_make_bucket (dpl_ctx_t *ctx, const char *bucket, dpl_location_constraint_t location_constraint, dpl_canned_acl_t canned_acl) |
| make a bucket More...
dpl_status_t | dpl_delete_bucket (dpl_ctx_t *ctx, const char *bucket) |
| delete a path More...
dpl_status_t | dpl_post (dpl_ctx_t *ctx, const char *bucket, const char *path, const dpl_option_t *option, dpl_ftype_t object_type, const dpl_condition_t *condition, const dpl_range_t *range, const dpl_dict_t *metadata, const dpl_sysmd_t *sysmd, const char *data_buf, unsigned int data_len, const dpl_dict_t *query_params, dpl_sysmd_t *returned_sysmdp) |
| create or post data into a path More...
dpl_status_t | dpl_put (dpl_ctx_t *ctx, const char *bucket, const char *path, const dpl_option_t *option, dpl_ftype_t object_type, const dpl_condition_t *condition, const dpl_range_t *range, const dpl_dict_t *metadata, const dpl_sysmd_t *sysmd, const char *data_buf, unsigned int data_len) |
| put a path More...
dpl_status_t | dpl_get (dpl_ctx_t *ctx, const char *bucket, const char *path, const dpl_option_t *option, dpl_ftype_t object_type, const dpl_condition_t *condition, const dpl_range_t *range, char **data_bufp, unsigned int *data_lenp, dpl_dict_t **metadatap, dpl_sysmd_t *sysmdp) |
| get a path with range More...
dpl_status_t | dpl_head (dpl_ctx_t *ctx, const char *bucket, const char *path, const dpl_option_t *option, dpl_ftype_t object_type, const dpl_condition_t *condition, dpl_dict_t **metadatap, dpl_sysmd_t *sysmdp) |
| get user and system metadata More...
dpl_status_t | dpl_head_raw (dpl_ctx_t *ctx, const char *bucket, const char *path, const dpl_option_t *option, dpl_ftype_t object_type, const dpl_condition_t *condition, dpl_dict_t **metadatap) |
| get raw metadata More...
dpl_status_t | dpl_delete (dpl_ctx_t *ctx, const char *bucket, const char *path, const dpl_option_t *option, dpl_ftype_t object_type, const dpl_condition_t *condition) |
| delete a path More...
dpl_status_t | dpl_post_id (dpl_ctx_t *ctx, const char *bucket, const char *id, const dpl_option_t *option, dpl_ftype_t object_type, const dpl_condition_t *condition, const dpl_range_t *range, const dpl_dict_t *metadata, const dpl_sysmd_t *sysmd, const char *data_buf, unsigned int data_len, const dpl_dict_t *query_params, dpl_sysmd_t *returned_sysmdp) |
| create or post data into a path More...
dpl_status_t | dpl_genurl (dpl_ctx_t *ctx, const char *bucket, const char *path, const dpl_option_t *option, time_t expires, char *buf, unsigned int len, unsigned int *lenp) |
| generate a valid URL for sharing object More...
dpl_status_t | dpl_copy (dpl_ctx_t *ctx, const char *src_bucket, const char *src_path, const char *dst_bucket, const char *dst_path, const dpl_option_t *option, dpl_ftype_t object_type, dpl_copy_directive_t copy_directive, const dpl_dict_t *metadata, const dpl_sysmd_t *sysmd, const dpl_condition_t *condition) |
| perform various flavors of server side copies More...