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The Runner Manager is written in Python.

All libraries must be compatible with Pydantic. This requirement will allow to have a nice developer experience especially when combined with Fastapi.


The main dependencies are described below along with the reason why they were chosen.


Fastapi will be used as a web framework to expose the API of the runner manager.


GitHubKit is a GitHub API client for Python that works exactly like the official GitHub API client for JavaScript, Octokit.

Its code is generated from the OpenAPI specification of the GitHub API.


Redis-om is a Redis Object Mapper that allows to store and retrieve Python Pydantic objects in Redis.

This enable fastapi objects to be stored in Redis and retrieved without having to write boilerplate code.


RQ is a simple Python library for queueing jobs and processing them in the background with workers.

It will be used to process the jobs that will be created by the runner manager.


Static typing is enforced by pyright.

It's configuration is located in the [pyrightconfig.json] file.

It is run automatically when trunk check is run.

To know more about pyright and how to use it, check out pyright's documentation.

Stub files

Stub files are located in the [typings] directory.

pyright will raise errors if it cannot find the stub files for the libraries that are used.

To generate the stub files, run the following command:

poetry run pyright --createstub <library>

Generated stub requires cleanup

Additional modifications might be required to the stub files as there are some limitations to the stub files generation.

For more information checkout pyright's documentation