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addrlist.c File Reference


void dpl_addrlist_lock (dpl_addrlist_t *addrlist)
 Lock a addrlist. More...
void dpl_addrlist_unlock (dpl_addrlist_t *addrlist)
 Unlock a addrlist. More...
dpl_addr_tdpl_addrlist_get_byip_nolock (dpl_addrlist_t *addrlist, struct in_addr ip_addr, u_short port)
 Search a bootstrap list item associated with a given IP address and port. More...
dpl_addr_tdpl_addrlist_get_byname_nolock (dpl_addrlist_t *addrlist, const char *host, const char *portstr)
 Lookup a bootstrap list item associated with a given IP address and port. More...
u_int dpl_addrlist_count_nolock (dpl_addrlist_t *addrlist)
 Count the number of items in a bootstrap list. More...
u_int dpl_addrlist_count (dpl_addrlist_t *addrlist)
 Count the number of items in a bootstrap list. More...
u_int dpl_addrlist_count_avail_nolock (dpl_addrlist_t *addrlist)
 Count the number of items not blacklisted in a bootstrap list. More...
dpl_status_t dpl_addrlist_get_nth (dpl_addrlist_t *addrlist, int n, char **hostp, char **portstrp, struct in_addr *ip_addrp, u_short *portp)
 Get the nth item not blacklisted in a bootstrap list. More...
dpl_status_t dpl_addrlist_get_rand (dpl_addrlist_t *addrlist, char **hostp, char **portstrp, struct in_addr *ip_addrp, u_short *portp)
 Get a random item not blacklisted in the bootstrap list. More...
dpl_status_t dpl_addrlist_blacklist (dpl_addrlist_t *addrlist, const char *host, const char *portstr, time_t expiretime)
 Blacklist a host/port couple for the specified time. More...
dpl_status_t dpl_addrlist_unblacklist (dpl_addrlist_t *addrlist, const char *host, const char *portstr)
 Un-blacklist a host/port couple previously blacklisted. More...
dpl_status_t dpl_addrlist_refresh_blacklist_nolock (dpl_addrlist_t *addrlist)
 Refresh the bootstrap list blacklist by un-blacklisting expired entries. More...
void dpl_addrlist_add_nolock (dpl_addrlist_t *addrlist, dpl_addr_t *addr)
 Add an item to a bootstrap list. More...
void dpl_addrlist_remove_nolock (dpl_addrlist_t *addrlist, dpl_addr_t *addr)
 Remove an item from a bootstrap list. More...
dpl_status_t dpl_addrlist_add (dpl_addrlist_t *addrlist, const char *host, const char *portstr)
 Add a new host/port couple to a bootstrap list. More...
void dpl_addrlist_clear_nolock (dpl_addrlist_t *addrlist)
 Free a bootstrap list. More...
dpl_status_t dpl_addrlist_add_from_str (dpl_addrlist_t *addrlist, const char *addrlist_str)
 Add new elements to a bootstrap list from a list of hosts/ports. More...
dpl_status_t dpl_addrlist_set_from_str (dpl_addrlist_t *addrlist, const char *addrlist_str)
 Initialise the bootstrap list from a list of hosts/ports. More...
char * dpl_addrlist_get (dpl_addrlist_t *addrlist)
 Get a string describing the bootstrap list. More...

Function Documentation

dpl_status_t dpl_addrlist_add ( dpl_addrlist_t addrlist,
const char *  host,
const char *  portstr 
addrlista bootstrap list.
hosta string corresponding to the hostname or IP address to add.
portstra string containing the port number to add.
Return values
DPL_FAILUREif the addition failed.
If the given host/port is already present in the bootstrap list, nothing will be done and DPL_SUCCESS is returned.
dpl_status_t dpl_addrlist_add_from_str ( dpl_addrlist_t addrlist,
const char *  addrlist_str 
addrlista bootstrap list.
addrlista string containing a list of hosts and ports to use to populate the bootstrap list. The list is a semicolon/comma/space separated list of the form host1[:port1][; ,]...[; ,]hostn[:portn].
addrlist is modified
Return values
DPL_SUCCESSon success.
void dpl_addrlist_add_nolock ( dpl_addrlist_t addrlist,
dpl_addr_t addr 

The addrlist takes ownership of the boostrap item and will free it when appropriate.

This function does not take the addrlist lock, so use with care.
addrlista bootstrap list.
addra bootstrap item to add to the addrlist.
dpl_status_t dpl_addrlist_blacklist ( dpl_addrlist_t addrlist,
const char *  host,
const char *  portstr,
time_t  expiretime 
addrlista bootstrap list.
hosta string corresponding to the hostname or IP address
portstra string containing the port number
expiretimeminimum duration in seconds to wait before retrying to contact the host. If -1, never retry to contact host (unblacklist the item via dpl_addrlist_unblacklist())
Return values
DPL_FAILUREif the addition failed.
DPL_ENOENTif matching host was not found in addrlist
void dpl_addrlist_clear_nolock ( dpl_addrlist_t addrlist)

This will empty the bootstrap list associated with the given ring context and free all the memory associated with this list.

addrlista bootstrap list.
u_int dpl_addrlist_count ( dpl_addrlist_t addrlist)
addrlista bootstrap list.
the number of items in the bootstrap list.
u_int dpl_addrlist_count_avail_nolock ( dpl_addrlist_t addrlist)
This function does not take the addrlist lock, so use with care.
addrlista bootstrap list.
the number of items not blacklisted in the bootstrap list.
u_int dpl_addrlist_count_nolock ( dpl_addrlist_t addrlist)
This function does not take the addrlist lock, so use with care.
See Also
addrlista bootstrap list.
the number of items in the bootstrap list.
char* dpl_addrlist_get ( dpl_addrlist_t addrlist)
addrlista bootstrap list.
NULL on failure, an empty ("\0") string if the bootstrap list was empty or a comma-separated list of host:port couples. The returned string should be freed with free() when no longer used.
dpl_addr_t* dpl_addrlist_get_byip_nolock ( dpl_addrlist_t addrlist,
struct in_addr  ip_addr,
u_short  port 
This function does not take the addrlist lock, so use with care.
addrlista bootstrap list.
addrIP address of the item to look for.
portport used by the item to look for.
a dpl_addr_t with address addr and port port, or NULL if no matching item could be found in the bootstrap list. The returned object is owned by addrlist and should not be freed.
dpl_addr_t* dpl_addrlist_get_byname_nolock ( dpl_addrlist_t addrlist,
const char *  host,
const char *  portstr 
This function does not take the addrlist lock, so use with care.
addrlista bootstrap list.
hosta string corresponding to the hostname or IP address to look for.
portstra string containing the port number to look for.
a dpl_addr_t matching the given host and port, or NULL if no matching item could be found in the bootstrap list. The returned object is owned by addrlist and should not be freed.
dpl_status_t dpl_addrlist_get_nth ( dpl_addrlist_t addrlist,
int  n,
char **  hostp,
char **  portstrp,
struct in_addr *  ip_addrp,
u_short *  portp 
addrlista bootstrap list.
nindex of the item to look for starting at 0. If n is bigger than theh number of elements in the bootstrap list, n modulo length of bootstrap list will be looked up instead.
[out]hostpreturned host name of the nth bootstrap list item, can be NULL. hostp must NOT be freed by the caller.
[out]portstrpreturned port string of the nth bootstrap list item, can be NULL. portstrp must NOT be freed by the caller.
[out]addrpreturned address of the nth bootstrap list item, can be NULL.
[out]portpreturned port of the nth bootstrap list item, can be NULL.
Return values
DPL_ENOENTif the bootstrap list is empty, addrp and portp will be unchanged in this case.
DPL_SUCCESSif the operation was successful. portp/addrp will be filled if they are non-NULL.
dpl_status_t dpl_addrlist_get_rand ( dpl_addrlist_t addrlist,
char **  hostp,
char **  portstrp,
struct in_addr *  ip_addrp,
u_short *  portp 
addrlista bootstrap list.
[out]hostpreturned host name of the nth bootstrap list item, can be NULL. hostp must NOT be freed by the caller.
[out]portstrpreturned port string of the nth bootstrap list item, can be NULL. portstrp must NOT be freed by the caller.
[out]addrpreturned address of a random bootstrap list item, can be NULL.
[out]portpreturned port of a random bootstrap list item, can be NULL.
Return values
DPL_ENOENTif the bootstrap list is empty, addrp and portp will be unchanged in this case.
DPL_SUCCESSif the operation was successful. portp/addrp will be filled if they are non-NULL.
void dpl_addrlist_lock ( dpl_addrlist_t addrlist)

This is useful to arbitrate concurrent access to the addrlist from different threads. If the context is already locked, this will block until the locking succeeds. The context must then be unlocked using dpl_addrlist_unlock().

addrlistthe addrlist to lock.
dpl_status_t dpl_addrlist_refresh_blacklist_nolock ( dpl_addrlist_t addrlist)
addrlista bootstrap list.
Return values
DPL_FAILUREif the refresh failed.
DPL_SUCCESSafter a successful refresh
void dpl_addrlist_remove_nolock ( dpl_addrlist_t addrlist,
dpl_addr_t addr 
This function does not take the addrlist lock, so use with care.
This function will remove the item from the bootstrap list it's part of without checking if this is the bootstrap list of the passed in ring context.
addrlista bootstrap list.
addrthe bootstrap item to remove from the addrlist
dpl_status_t dpl_addrlist_set_from_str ( dpl_addrlist_t addrlist,
const char *  addrlist_str 
See Also
addrlista bootstrap list.
addrlista string containing a list of hosts and ports to use to populate the bootstrap list. The list is a semicolon/comma/space separated list of the form host1[:port1][; ,]...[; ,]hostn[:portn].
addrlist is not modified
Return values
DPL_SUCCESSon failure.
dpl_status_t dpl_addrlist_unblacklist ( dpl_addrlist_t addrlist,
const char *  host,
const char *  portstr 
addrlista bootstrap list.
hosta string corresponding to the hostname or IP address
portstra string containing the port number
Return values
DPL_FAILUREif the addition failed.
DPL_ENOENTif matching host was not found in addrlist
DPL_SUCCESSotherwise (if host is not already blacklisted, silently succeed)
void dpl_addrlist_unlock ( dpl_addrlist_t addrlist)

This must be done from the same thread that locked the context.

See Also
addrlistthe addrlist to unlock.